The plugin has the following options which can be configured, example:
uploadUrl: 'upload_attachment.php',
uploadUrl: upload_attachment.php
Specifies the URL where files will be send to, default: upload_attachment.php
uploadMethod: POST
Which HTTP method will be used to send the upload request
uploadFieldName: file
Name of the POST field where the file will be sent.
defaultExtension: png
Default extension when no extension could be detected
jsonFieldName: downloadUrl
By default the plugin assumes that json is returned, it then checks if the given fieldName is available and uses it to insert the image url
allowedTypes: ['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/jpg', 'image/gif']
Which mimetypes are accepted as a dropped or pasted file. Others will be ignored and the default behavior will be triggered.
progressText: ![Uploading file...]()
Text which will be inserted on the spot where an image is dropped or paste is called Used as a placeholder where the resulting fileurl will be inserted
urlText: ![file]({filename})
When a file has successfully been uploaded the last inserted text will be replaced by the urlText, the {filename} tag will be replaced by the filename that has been returned by the server
errorText: Error uploading file
Error message for default error handler
extraParams: {}
Extra parameters which will be send as POST data when sending a file
extraHeaders: {}
Extra headers which will be added to the request when uploading a file
file: file blob
json: Simple object which contains the resulting JSON response return: Boolean
Custom error handler. Runs after removing the placeholder text and before the alert(). Return false from this function to prevent the alert dialog.
return: Boolean when false is returned it will prevent default error behavior
Fires when the upload request has finished
Custom upload handler, must return false to prevent default handler. Can be used to send file via custom transport(like
file: Blob
- Boolean
when false is returned it will prevent default upload behavior